WS 2016/17

Representation Learning


Assignments 14: Wrapping Up


Please finish reading Deep Learning Book - Chapter 20: Deep Generative Models!

Deadline for questions to be considered in class is February 4, 7am. I will also try to accommodate things that come in later but I cannot make guarantees. The earlier you bring up questions, the better.

Exam Questions

As final exercise and preparation for your exams, we are going to simulate an oral exam with swapped roles - i.e., you asking questions and me answering. This should give you an idea of what to expect in terms of questions and answers in your oral exams. To this end, please prepare questions you would consider appropriate for this context! If you like, you can also share your questions in the course forum. This also gives me a better chance to prepare. ;-)

Course Project

If you (as an individual person or group) would like to give a final short presentation on your contibution to the course project, please send an email with the topic and the approximate amount of time required until February 6, 10am.