WS 2016/17

Representation Learning


Assignments 13: Directed Generative Nets


Please continue reading Deep Learning Book - Chapter 20: Deep Generative Models.

Your goal should be to understand the described approaches at a level that allows you to explain the fundamental ideas, differences (advantages and disadvantages) and specific challenges.

Deadline for questions to be considered in class is January 28, 7am. I will also try to accommodate things that come in later but I cannot make guarantees. The earlier you bring up questions, the better.

Course Project

Like last week, we will spend about 50% of the time in class for discussing the reading assignments. This will leave less time for the course project. Therefore, if you would like to present and/or discuss progress on a specific aspect of the project, please prepare accordingly. Also, please send an email with the topic and the approximate amount of time required until January 30, 10am.